Jobs for 16 Year Olds
If you are searching for jobs for 16 year olds then this article can tell you about the various types of jobs available, how you can find them and what legislation affects you.
Whether you are a 16 year old school leaver or seeking a part-time job whilst continuing your studies, looking for a job presents some specific challenges. Legislation affects what employers can offer you and how much they can pay you. Lack of formal training and work experience also limits what is available to you.
What are the pros and cons of full time or part time jobs at 16 years old?
For many 16 year olds coming out of school, the appeal of gaining either a full time or a part time job is to have a degree of independence and an independent wage. Your first job can be an ideal opportunity to gain early work experience that will stand you in good stead later on, developing a range of skills and knowledge that can be highly useful. In some positions, you can work full time while gaining vocational qualifications. For many 16 year olds, getting a job is a good way to learn, preferable to sitting in a classroom.
With few formal qualifications, 16 year olds often find that there are fewer full time jobs open to them than they expected. If the job does not include any aspect of training or the opportunity to gain valuable skills, then you may find that you are working long hours for a low wage. When you decide to leave, you may find you have little solid experience to benefit your next job application.
If you decide that you do want to enter the full time employment marketplace at 16 years of age, then it is important to understand these points, so that you do not find yourself taking any job that comes along, only to find you are left with very little at the end of one or two years.
Full time and part time jobs for 16 year olds
Jobs with local businesses
Clearly, without further or higher level educational qualifications, there is a greater limitation on the kind of work you are able to do, but there are still plenty of jobs for 16 year olds. You can probably anticipate some of them, as friends or relatives may have entered these kinds of jobs before you. Here are a selection of jobs that 16 years you can do.
Retail sales: There are plenty of full-time and part time jobs for 16 year olds in the retail sector. Many stores employ well-organised 16 year olds to assist customers with straightforward purchases. This may suit you if you are comfortable with people and handling cash.
Restaurants: Many young people gain employment in fast food restaurants, cooking and serving the public. Jobs are also available in cafés and sometime at more upmarket restaurants. Roles you can fulfil include waiting tables, dishwashing, cashier, etc. There are lots of full time and part time jobs for 16 year olds in the hospitality industry.
Cashier: Many grocery stores, supermarkets, cafes and restaurants are happy to give cashier duties to 16 year olds. If you have basic mathematical abilities and are able to work with the public, this could be an option.
Office Assistant: If you have learned some basic office skills, such as word processing and filing, then you may be able to gain work in an office. If you are working with a small business, you can gain plenty of experience in a wider range of areas.
However, a bigger business may have more job openings if you start in an assistant position and are keen to keep learning. You will find that there are lots of both full time and part time jobs for 16 year olds within an office environment.
Web design: many people have computer skills that far exceed their educational qualification level. If you design websites in your spare time, you may be able to find work with a local design company. It may not be glamorous or high level, as you may have to start by inputting and formatting text, but it is a foot in the door. You can then start to add to your range of skills with short courses.
Factory work: Factory or production line work can be a good way for 16 year olds to enter the job market. With increasing automation, this can involve learning new skills while showing future employers that you are hard working and motivated.
Packer: Many supermarkets and grocery stores will employ young people to provide customer service duties such as packing groceries, carrying bags to cars, collecting trolleys / carts, etc.
Gardener: All year round, you can earn money by keeping gardens and public spaces tidy. In summer there is more work to be earned, mowing lawns.
Library: 16 year olds can often find part-time jobs in local libraries, sorting and shelving books. This is clean work that places few demands on you, although you may find the environment rather too quiet and unstimulating.
Wrapper: Before Christmas, you may find work in department stores wrapping gifts for customers. The problem with this work is that it is seasonal, but if you are craft-oriented and dextrous, it is a way to earn additional money. It may then lead to further retail work.
Other places worth approaching for jobs, include sports and recreation centres, swimming pools, parks, hotels and cinemas.
Temping jobs for 16 year olds
If you would like to build up experience and earn money at the same time, without feeling the need to be in a permanent position, then it might be worth approaching a temping agency. These employment agencies may be able to place you in skilled admin or unskilled manual positions - depending on the subjects you took in your education - on a short-term basis. They will usually pay you the wage for the position, less their agency fee for finding you the work.
Part 2 - Part time jobs for 16 year olds
Part 3 - How to find jobs for a 16 year old
Part 4 - Employment law relating to jobs for 16 year old