Win More Interviews and Job Offers With Our Free Advice on CV Writing, Cover Letters, Job Search and Interviews

Our advice can help you beat 100s of other applicants to win the interviews and job offers that you want, so please bookmark our website.
These blog articles focus on CV writing, cover letters, job search and interview tips, everything you need to get a job.
CV Writing Tips
Your CV is normally the most vital component in getting a job. The blog articles below will help ensure that your CV impresses employers and makes them want to offer you an interview.
Why Has Your CV Just 30 Seconds to Win an Interview?
Find out why your CV has to have an immediate impact and how you can ensure that your CV will instantly stand out above everyone else who has applied.
Free CV Examples That Won Numerous Job Interviews
Check out these powerful CV examples and find out how you can easily improve your own CV and get more job interviews.
How to Dramatically Improve Your CV
Discover how you can quickly improve your CV and secure the job interviews you desire.
10 Deadly CV Writing Mistakes That Will Cost You Job Interviews
If you are making any of these mistakes, then you'll ruin your chances of getting the interviews you want.
Our CV Writing Service
Do you need help with your CV? Bradley CVs can expertly write an impressive CV for you that really makes employers want to interview you ahead of
everyone else.
What is the Best CV Layout?
Discover how to improve your CV layout and what information you must include in each section.
Can your CV pass the 30 second test?
Learn how to ensure that your CV passes the 30 second test and get the job interviews that you want
How to create an interview-winning CV
Another take on how you can write a CV that will secure you the interviews that you are craving.
The 7 Secrets of Successful CVs
In this article, you'll learn about the 7 secrets of how to write a successful CV that gets you more interviews from employers.
More CV writing tips
Find out how to improve your CV with our expert tips and advice that will allow you to quickly improve your own CV.
Cover Letter Tips
A cover letter typically accompanies a CV when you make a job application to an employer, it must grab their attention, otherwise your application may be overlooked.
Do You Still Need to Send a Cover Letter When You Apply For a Job?
A cover letter has always traditionally been sent with CV, but some people say that it's now completely redundant.
Why Must Your CV and Cover Letter Work Together Like a Good Double Act?
Both your CV and cover letter can be important depending on how you're searching for a job. But, do they now have separate purposes or should they work
as one?
Job Search Tips
There are now lots of different ways to find a job, from the traditional newspaper job advert to the latest online job search engines. Find out what would be best for you and get a job far faster.
How to Win More Interviews Via Job Boards
This article looks at how you can substantially improve your chances of winning interviews when you are using job boards as part of your
job search campaign.
Are Job Adverts the Best Way to Find a Job?
Find out whether solely relying on advertised job vacancies will ensure that you find a new job fast.
Why is Everyone Getting a LinkedIn Profile?
Discover the benefits of joining LinkedIn, a major online business and employment network.
Free LinkedIn Profile Checklist
Improving your LinkedIn Profile will increase the number of recruiters and employers that want to contact you directly.
How to Use Recruitment Agencies to Get a New Job Faster
Recruitment agencies can help you find a new job quickly if you know how to get the most out of them.
More Job Search Advice
There is lot of further advice on our website about how to find a job quickly, everything from replying to job adverts, making speculative applications,
and using job sites, recruitment agencies and networking.
Interview Tips
Interviews can often feel terrifying, but our advice can make a big difference to your chances of being offered a job.
Job Interviews: How to be Better Prepared and More Confident
Interviews can be daunting and scary, but if you use our tips to prepare thoroughly, then you'll feel more confident and will perform better.
5 Ways to Ace a Phone Interview
When you next have a phone interview, these essential tips will help you improve your performance and ensure you get through to the next stage in the
interview process.
How to Get a Big Pay Rise
Find out how you can get the pay rise that you know you deserve from an employer.
Interview Coaching
If you'd like help preparing for a job interview, then please take a look at our professional interview coaching.
More Interview Tips
Our website provides a wide variety of advice on how to perform better at interviews.