
Job Interview Tips and Advice

Apart from the obvious like second-guessing the questions in a job interview there are many factors that can make the whole experience more pleasurable if you are prepared properly.

The following checklist should start to get your thought processes on the right track and help you eliminate issues that could sabotage your interview success. In other words, they are all things you personally have control over to some extent.

Driving home after the interview you could be kicking yourself because hindsight is a wonderful gift.

Job Interview Checklist to Help You Prepare and Perform Well at an Interview:

Expect the Unexpected at a Job Interview

The above checklist is a very general list of items that you can prepare for in advance. Of course there could be things that could happen that you hadn't thought of and you are therefore unprepared for. These will throw you off balance on the day, so it is as well to expect the unexpected.

Things like:

Preparation before an interview is both sensible and vital - the question is how many people take the trouble to do it.

It's fair to say that most people spend more time planning their annual holiday than they spend on preparing for a job interview. Whilst we are on the subject of holidays I doubt too many people have ever missed their plane. So what excuse is there for being late to an interview.

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